Our customers want to do it themselves but they don't want to do it alone. At Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc., we teach customers to do what we do. We focus on acting as mentors or as part-time resources to assist implementers while they're getting started.
We help in-house teams learn to do it themselves by providing an on-call resource that can assist as necessary.
- We teach people how to do document analysis, so they can do it themselves, one book at a time, as their staff has time to devote to the project.
- We can act as a jump-start team, doing initial stylesheet development or tool implementation with the intention to hand it over to the in-company team as soon as they feel ready to take it over.
- We provide a second opinion, an independent verification and validation source, who can provide deep insight into the Arbortext product line (and various offerings) as well as evaluate the quality of work delivered to you.
Our approach is to provide honest, direct advice — and just the right amount of assistance — to take you from purchase to production and beyond.
What We Do
Every day, our experts bring XML technology and single-sourcing theory together to make "write once, publish everywhere" a reality. We look for opportunities to increase the efficiency of the entire staff as the demand for documentation increases while staffing and resources do not.
We know that successful single-sourcing projects address several key needs:
- The authoring environment must be user-friendly and easy to learn.
- The look and feel of the published documents must be comparable to the existing published documentation.
- The environment must scale easily, so that it can be altered and enhanced without major infrastructure changes going forward.
- The tools and processes must fit customer project needs.
- Processes be redesigned to promote efficiency and productivity by reducing maintenance and overhead.
For us, single sourcing is a practical, reachable goal for any company. And we teach our customers to do what we do:
- Tune existing skills, workflow, and processes
- Automate publishing to multiple media: print, PDF, Web, Palm, eBook, CD-ROM, wireless
- Deliver classroom instruction with sample documents and exercises tailored to your business
- Assist legacy documentation conversion
- Understand the benefits and drawbacks of application-specific XML tool development
Why We Do It
At Single-Sourcing Solutions, we all started as customers. We all learned from other people — customers, users, PTC/Arbortext resources. We know that when you embark on a new single-sourcing project, the learning curve is high. You have a lot of things to learn all at the same time. There are new tools, new processes, new doctypes (like DITA), and new ways to author content. To do all of that takes time and resources.
Good consultants play a part similar to that of the journeymen of the guild systems: they travel; they work at many different companies; and, they spread new practices and knowledge between companies and corporations as they go.
Customers come to us when they want to take ownership of their products and projects. They want to learn to do what we do. We know that to become a journeyman, an apprentice must first become a craftsman. Everything we do serves to expand the resources available to everyone in the community. Together, we can achieve what we all want to do: Become experts in our craft.
About Single-Sourcing Solutions
Single-Sourcing Solutions is reseller of PTC’s Arbortext and Arbortext Content Manager (Windchill) products. With over a decade’s experience with the Arbortext toolset and in the practical development and deployment of mission-critical, custom XML development, Single-Sourcing Solutions has the expertise required for successful dynamic information delivery. Single-Sourcing Solutions is active in the global Arbortext community and related information development communities.
For more information on Single-Sourcing Solutions, please visit https://www.single-sourcing.com.
E-mail: info@single-sourcing.com