I sit on the TC Camp board and am sponsoring the Structured Authoring workshop at TC Summer Camp in DC on September 9th.
Every year, we ask what topic people want for the morning workshops. So far only one topic has been in the top of the voting for both the East Coast and the West Coast two years straight:
UI/UX for Technical Communicators
In January, I did a UI/UX post every day on our social media channels. We knew it was hot, but this is the only topic crossing regions for technical communications professionals in 2017.
So we went all out for TC Summer Camp. We talked to two UI/UX professionals.
- One comes to us from the University of Maryland iSchool. She's a computer scientist and, if you were at STC Summit, you saw her on the panel in the closing keynote.
- The other comes to us from George Mason University. She's a professor in the Technical Communications degree program and she's developing an UI/UX course for techcomm students.
We think it's going to be a great learning experience.
Tickets are on sale now. The event is on a Saturday. If you're within driving distance, I can't recommend it more highly. See the tccamp website to see video of past camps and reviews from attendees.
And see you in September! It's the best learning experience on two coasts at the most economical price for those of you who want to be the "one who knows" in your departments.
Key Concepts:
collaboration, community, training and mentoring, usability and user experience