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Key Concept Archive

For more information about how our library science background (and our love of all things metadata) guides the way we catalog information, see the Techcomm and Arbortext Resources page.

Conference notes from: DITA Best Practices BOF lunch at CMS DITA NA 2015

Tracy Baker and I had a full table and intense discussion on the topics on the minds of the people in attendance. Real time issues and ideas for possible solutions. Topics ranged from reuse strategies to getting started to review processes to getting…

Information Architecture Bottom-Up

The advent of electronic media and particularly the Web has profoundly changed how people seek and use information. Information seeking today is dominated by search, and not by search of individual works, but search of the whole: whole sites, whole…

Creating a Documentation Plan

“Proper prior planning prevents poor performance.” Creating a good documentation plan will help you identify what you're going to do and can be a valuable political document if the project shifts from under you.Docplans are even more important in a…

Writing Mobile Documentation: Rewrite or Cut

So you’ve just been told to create a mobile version of your product’s help system… Can we revise content written for a large screen to fit on an iPhone screen? Can we cut it? Is there a point at which…

DITA Workshop for Authoring Teams

Upcoming Dates This class is scheduled on demand but we offer a publicly available, lite version of this class that is focused on Learning DITA. See our Public Calendar for specific delivery dates. In this workshop your team will develop…

Conquering the Mountain of Legacy Data

So you are finally planning that big move over to structured content. Great! You understand the benefits of reuse and what it means for your business. But what do you do about the mountains of legacy content? Pack it all…

Arbortext Editor and DITA Basics Workshop

Upcoming Dates This class is scheduled on demand but we offer publicly available versions of this class that are separately focused on learning Arbortext Editor and DITA. See our Public Calendar for specific delivery dates. Overview In this multi-class series,…