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Key Concept Archive

For more information about how our library science background (and our love of all things metadata) guides the way we catalog information, see the Techcomm and Arbortext Resources page.

Life with Guru D: Adopting a DITA Mindset and Converting Others

DITA methodology is often difficult for people to grasp. It does require a complete shift in how you view and author your content. You can’t take a book and shove it over. It doesn’t work like that. You need to…

We all solve the same problems

We've all been in that position where we are trying to work something out and wish we had someone to bounce ideas off of. Someone who knew us, what we were going through, who had expertise that was the same…

Which do you want to be? A technician or a craftsman?

We usually talk about Style in terms of content structure and layout, but this time I wanted to talk with you about our style. Specifically, our style of service. I was recently on a mentoring team call with one of…

Creating a Documentation Plan

“Proper prior planning prevents poor performance.” Creating a good documentation plan will help you identify what you're going to do and can be a valuable political document if the project shifts from under you.Docplans are even more important in a…

Collaborative Writing in Distributed Teams

This session had a lot of votes, so we found John Hedtke, Expert in Remote Collaboration, and found a time when he can come talkJohn's last book was written with a co-author on the other side of the country that…

Will you join us in community service?

Just before the holidays, I saw the following in Forbes:Recent research conducted by Washington, D.C.-based Corporation for National & Community Service reveals that charitable work literally makes the heart grow stronger. Individuals with coronary artery disease who participate in volunteer…

Collaboration is Key to Success

Last month, BusinessWeek published an article, “Mega Mergers Can't Cure the Pharmaceutical Industry,” about how the Pharmaceutical Industry has been changing their strategy from a strictly competitive one to a more collaborative one because they can keep costs down by collaborating…

Conference notes from: PTC User 2009 – Arbortext Edition

For the first year since Arbortext was acquired by PTC and AUGI became PTC/User, we had so many presentations submitted that we had to turn several presentations away or schedule them as possible alternates should something happen to one of…