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Key Concept Archive

For more information about how our library science background (and our love of all things metadata) guides the way we catalog information, see the Techcomm and Arbortext Resources page.

How to find the best content management system (or any other tool)

b Post Summary In this article, I hope I can convince you to gather requirements before you buy. It's the only way to guarantee that you find the best content management system for you. Not for someone else. FOR YOU….

Publish High-Quality, Print-Ready DITA in less than a day

b Post Summary Everyone says, “Publishing DITA is Hard!” But the truth is you can publish DITA content for ePub and Print output with very little work. The promise that vendors (like us) have been giving for 20 years is…

Tips for writing great documentation

I recently read a great article by Taylor Singletary who's been writing documentation for customer facing products that almost all of us use: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Slack. If you ask him, he says he works in “developer relations.” He wrote up…

Collaboration – Love it or Hate it?

This month I wanted to find out if you have come to love or hate collaboration in any of it's forms.  I'm a big experimenter which often means I'm a big collaborator. In January's TC Dojo, we had Karl Klashinsky…

How long do you struggle before you ‘Let It Rest’?

Here at Single-Sourcing Solutions, we often find ourselves on the leading edge of working with new features or on the back side of working with old features to wrangle them into doing what our customers need them to do today….

Inclusive vs Exclusive Language and Corporate Culture

It seems that as of 6/5/2019, the GSA has pulled the article down. Good thing we captured what we did! The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA.gov) website recently published an article (and the code to go with it) about how they…

Are You Getting the Most Out of DITA Content Reuse?

DITA was built around the idea of content reuse, but many content creators are not maximizing reuse within their own documents. When DITA content is optimized for reuse, content creators can focus on writing new content, reduce localization costs, and…

Do you experiment?

Last month Tom Johnson of the I'd Rather be Writing blog interviewed me about why I started TC Camp. He wanted to know why I started something that was so obviously energy and resource intensive?It's true that I have a…