Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have an active maintenance contract you can download the new version from the PTC-Support website as usual. If you need any help please contact our support team.
This release includes ProductView Standard & Collective Document Support 9.0 M100.Please note that this release includes both a Service Pack and many replacement CDs/DVDs.
Windchill and ProductView 9.1 M050 include the following platform support and compatibility updates:
- General platform support updates:
- Windchill support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5.0) servers
- Windchill support on HP-UX 11iV3 servers
- Support for Arbortext 5.3 and 5.4
- Support for InterComm Expert 5.3 M050
- Support for InterComm Conduit 2.1 M040
- Support for Windchill Desktop Integration on 64bit Windows OS
- Support for SQL Server database for Windchill on Red Hat Linux 5.x and AIX 6.1
- Oracle Software Assistant Update – includes support for Oracle 11g October 2009 Oracle Critical Patch Update
- Windchill and ProductView CAD platform support updates:
- Support for SolidWorks 2010
- Support for NX7
- Support for CoCreate Drafting 17
- ProductView MCAD Client updates:
- Export to STEP and VRML formats supported in ProductView Professional
- Export Drawing as DXF files supported in ProductView Professional
- Product Structure supported in ProductView Lite and ProductView Express
- Measurements supported in ProductView Express
- Print Multiple Items command supports PDF files in ProductView Professional
- Support for AutoCAD 2010
- ProductView Adapters updates:
- Generation of PDF files supported as viewables for SolidWorks and UG NX
- Workgroup Manager for ECAD, InterComm Expert, and InterComm Conduit support for:
- Cadence Allegro SPB 16.3
- Mentor EE2007.7
- DxDesigner 2007.7
- Altium Designer – Summer 2009 and Winter 2009
- PADS 9.0
- OrCAD 15.5 and 16.2
- Workgroup Manager for CATIA V5 improvements:
- Enhanced logging capabilities.
- Ability to update CGR files without checkout of the parent assembly.
- Automatic update of links after a save as or rename action is performed on Catia V5 data in Windchill.
- Ability to perform save as and rename actions on family tables in workspace.
- Support for CATProcess and CATAnalysis file types.
- Ability to automatically download CATALOG updates and members to a Windchill workspace.
- New Windchill Gateway for Cadence Allegro Design Workbench (ADW).
- New functionality for encrypting passwords in Windchill.
- Ability to register multiple versions of the same CAD application within the Workgroup Manager client.
- Introduced a new preference allowing a customer to configure whether to exclusively use the 9.1 calculated approach for ‘linking’ 3D model’s drawings to its WTPart, or revert back to the pre-9.1 approach where an explicit Content link between drawing and WTPart is created during auto-associate.
- Windchill Vizualization Support for InSight logical attributes.
For more information
Documentation supporting Arbortext is delivered in the Arbortext Editor Help Center. You can download the release notes for this and all recent releases from the Reference Documentation area of the PTC web site at ptc.com.