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Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have an active maintenance contract you can download the new version from the PTC-Support website as usual. If you need any help please contact our support team.


  • 2115017 When an object is viewed by the current user, but is checked out / updated by another user, its Updated By property no longer details the current user.
  • 2141136 Aliases for attribute values are now available for selection in the Modify Attributes dialog box.
  • 2142622 Character entities in attribute values are converted correctly in an XML conversion with a write command.
  • 2144756 Link destinations resolved in hidden parts of a document published to PDF not longer contribute to the limit set for a single point.
  • 2144757 Security settings for elements in a sheet are correctly reflected in FOSI-based output.
  • 2147147 TIFF graphic support in Arbortext Editor has been upgraded. Graphics will now be corrected if necessary and displayed correctly in both Editor view and output.
  • 2151636 Double quotes in XPath expressions in FOSI edited source no longer result in context errors in an exported FOSI stylesheet.

For more information

Documentation supporting Arbortext is delivered in the Arbortext Editor Help Center. You can download the release notes for this and all recent releases from the Reference Documentation area of the PTC web site at ptc.com.

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