Arbortext Monster Garage

Inspired by the popular “Monster Garage” television show on the Discovery Channel, the Arbortext Monster Garage is designed to teach Arbortext users how to leverage their investment in the Arbortext product line so as to continually grow their ROI.
Here at Single-Sourcing Solutions, we always talk about the ease of use and the out-of-the box advantages to Arbortext suite of products. Arbortext is a mature platform: The entire set of tools works together.
The possibilities are enormous for anyone who wants to do new, interesting, over-the-top things with their product information. Of course, for us this comes as second nature, but for those of you out there who are new to the eco-system, it may not be so apparent.
This series adds to the body of knowledge that has been tribal for so long in the user community. This series showcases techniques, tips and tricks that we have used in the past, discoveries we've made, and new features that arise over time as Arbortext software develops.
You’ll find knowledgeable mechanics leading the instruction here. You'll find videos and books full of information you can learn from. Many of our shop coaches have been working with the product for a decade or more. Put on your shop coat, because here we go….
The Books
In the first ever commercially-available books about Arbortext, you’ll find advice from a long-time Arbortext user, developer, and well-known community member. The Arbortext Monster Garage book series is designed to help Arbortext users learn the basics for best practices using Arbortext software. These books describe an easy-to-follow approach which offers practical tips and pointers enabling readers to quickly get started developing dynamic and multi-channel content using Arbortext.
Arbortext 101
Arbortext 101: Best Practices for Configuring, Authoring, Styling, and Publishing Content with Arbortext. 2016. Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc. for Kindle and Print
Arbortext 102
Arbortext 102: Best Practices for Creating Arbortext Styler Stylesheets. 2016. Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc. for Kindle and Print
Arbortext for Authoring
Arbortext for Authoring: An Author's Guide to Getting Started with Arbortext Editor. 2019. Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc. for Kindle and Print

Arbortext 103
Arbortext 103: Best Practices for Configuring, Managing, and Publishing Arbortext Content with the PTC Server. Coming Soon. Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc. for Kindle and Print. Can't wait?

Arbortext 104
Arbortext 104: Omnibus, vol 1. Coming Soon. Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc. for Kindle and Print. Can't wait?

Arbortext 201
Arbortext 201: Configuring Arbortext for MIL-STD Doctypes. Coming Soon. Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc. for Kindle and Print. Can't wait?
The Videos
An Original Web Series
In this webinar series, we gather people from the Arbortext community who have modified, streamlined, co-opted, and wrenched their applications to achieve outstanding, interactive, and impressive content and highly effective content creation-publication workflows.
The series includes sessions for beginners as well as for expert users. All sessions are intended to address those areas where the rubber meets the road. The series will draw “shop coach” presenters from the community, including staff from PTC, Single-Sourcing Solutions, customers, and other PTC partners.
Season 1: Introducing Arbortext
In Season One, we introduced the main components of the Arbortext product suite: Editor, Styler, IsoDraw, Arbortext Content Manager, Publishing Engine, and the Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher. Videos from this season are available on our website for free.
Episode List
Season 2: Arbortext Monster Garage
In Season Two, we focused on the million “Uber Geeky” things you can do in Arbortext. Arbortext is open: The entire UI and publishing pipeline is 100% available through a well-tested API. The Arbortext Monster Garage videos feature this Open API and the “geeky” things you can do with it. Videos from this season were released to our YouTube Channel.
Episode List
Season 3: Arbortext TC Dojo
In Season Three, we delved deep into all of the pieces that go into the full solution suite from Editor, to Styler, to Publishing Engine and even Windchill (Arbortext Content Manager). These videos are recordings of webinars given in the Arbortext TC Dojo. Videos from this season were released to our Knowledge Base and Forums
Episode List
Season 4: Arbortext 101
In development
Season Four is in progress. Episodes will be based on Arbortext 101 (book). Season Four will be a video version of the book.
Season Five: Arbortext 102
Season Five is in progress. Episodes will be based on Arbortext 102 (book). Season Five will be a video version of the book.