This week I interviewed Todd Hicks from Wolters Kluwer. I've been looking forward to this podcast for a long time. Todd Hicks has been an Arbortext community member for a long time. Todd has presented at Arbortext User Group and at PTC/User conferences. He started out supporting a division of Wolters Kluwer but now supports their global Arbortext deployment.
He's built custom applications and extensions to Arbortext that even PTC wanted (then developed). Long-time community members never miss a presentation by Todd Hicks or one of his team at WK. They're always doing something special, innovative, and technically spectacular.
It's been my pleasure to get to know Todd better over the years and it's a greater pleasure to share his knowledge, experience, and advice with the community through this podcast today.
Key Concepts:
arbortext editor, community, ui customization