This week's podcast is an interview with Berry Braster from Tedopres. If you've been a part of the Arbortext community for any length of time, you've seen Berry and you know about The Book.
When I say "The Book" and "Tedopress" in the same breath, everyone knows which book I mean. Tedopress is well known for giving away the book that defines best practices for writing for international audiences, for preparing your content for translation. The name of the book is "The New Language in International Business, Simplified English" and you can request your free copy from them.
Year after year, I always looked forward to seeing Berry. I've had The Book for as long as I can remember. It was one of the first references I got when I was learning.
It is my pleasure to talk to him about his experiences, the expertise and business of Tedopress, and his advice for preparing content for translation. As with all best practices, it's not the technology but application of it that determines the success of dynamic information development projects.
Update 2012
Tedopress merged with Etteplan.
Key Concepts:
community, globalization, xml authoring