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Top Authors and Books from My 2017 Reading Challenge

After all the books I read in 2016, I'd planned on reading more non-fiction in 2017. As it turned out, we had a busy year here at Single-Sourcing Solutions and escapist reading was the order of the day. 2017 was…

Techcomm magnets, buttons, and bookmarks

What's your favorite giveaway? Mine is a backpack that I got at the very last Arbortext User Conference in 2005. This backpack had perfect balance and is great for bicyclists as well as pedestrians. Even though it's 13 years old,…

What training do I need to use Arbortext well?

Dear Liz I am starting to work with the PTC Arbortext Editor using SGML. I need to know if I can get training on the editor? What would it take to get the training to use it well? Would I…

Adding Custom Actions to OxygenXML Frameworks

Adding Custom Actions to OxygenXML Frameworks About this book In the first TC Dojo ebook, Adding Custom Actions to OxygenXML Frameworks, you'll find advice from a long-time OxygenXML user and XSL/XSL-FO developer. Widely used by XML content creators and developers,…

Our Expert in Your Pocket

Top Authors and Books from My 2017 Reading Challenge Categories: There's nothing better than having an expert in your back pocket! Sometimes all the magic you need is that quick conversation with a mentor who really knows you. By subscribing…

Independent Validation and Verification Services

Top Authors and Books from My 2017 Reading Challenge Categories: IV&V services are an independent review that you can be confident in. Have our experts vet that the quote matches your need, questions you should ask, or whether a probable…

Speed Consulting

Top Authors and Books from My 2017 Reading Challenge Categories: Sometimes you come up against a problem that is a little more complicated than a simple question to a mailing list will solve. For those times when what you need…

AOTk: The Arbortext Open Toolkit

Top Authors and Books from My 2017 Reading Challenge Most customers abandon mixing Arbortext with the DITA OT once they realize they can get Arbortext for Small Teams The AOTk is a set of plugins that will allow you to…