DITA was built around the idea of content reuse, but many content creators are not maximizing reuse within their own documents. When DITA content is optimized for reuse, content creators can focus on writing new content, reduce localization costs, and deliver more consistent content.
In this presentation, IXIASOFT's DITA Specialist Keith Schengili-Roberts will examine the various levels of reuse possible within DITA, including what you need to know to get the most out of topic-level reuse, phrase-level reuse, using keys effectively and more.
He will also answer common questions relating to content reuse, including:
- What are the benefits of DITA-based content reuse?
- How do you measure content reuse?
- What levels of reuse are considered optimal?
- Can you go too far with content reuse?
Aimed at both new and experienced DITA users, Keith's presentation looks not only at how to create effective content for reuse, but also why it matters.
About the Visiting Dojo Expert
Keith Schengili-Roberts is a DITA Information Architect at IXIASOFT, DITA evangelist and technical writing nerd. Keith is also an award-winning lecturer on Information Architecture at the University of Toronto’s iSchool, and Durham College. He is also an active member of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee, and can often be found presenting at conferences, working with customers, and researching how DITA is being used and sharing those results with the DITA community.
Keith’s popular industry blog DITAWriter.com has become a focal point on DITA resources and best practices. Connect with Keith on Twitter @KeithIXIASOFT.
Watch the Video
Recorded: February 2016
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Key Concepts:
best practices, dita, dita keys, reuse
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@KeithIXIASOFT @SingleSourcing Thanks for the TC Dojo session on DITA content reuse – I found it very useful.