+1 408 660-3219 sales@single-sourcing.com

We're headed to Boston, MA for the Gilbane Conference tomorrow. We're looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. After more than a decade in the industry, we're looking forward to sharing stories, lessons learned, and thoughts about content strategy, management, and delivery!

We've got two presentations. One's a product lab where we're talking about how you can "Transform Your Content Strategy for Today's Media and Beyond" (Thursday 2 December 8:30-9:30 AM). We're going to show you how to take your content from creation to multiple media channels, such as social media. Instantly publish it and connect with your customers anywhere they're looking for you.

The other is a panel. We're honored to be included in panel T7 XML Implementations & Information Lifecycle (Thursday 2 December 2:00-3:20 PM) organized by Dale Waldt, Senior Consultant for Outsell’s Gilbane Group. XML and content tools need to be thoughtfully configured to create feasible processes that produce the desired business benefits. This session explores the XML information lifecycle and how XML and content tools and systems can be deployed to their best advantage.

As we did for several events this year, we'll be tweeting throughout the event. We hope you'll join us virtually, if not in person at the event. You can find us in the exhibit hall!

Key Concepts:


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Blog, Liz Asks