Inspired by the popular "Monster Garage" television show on the Discovery Channel, today we're launching a new webinar series: "Arbortext Monster Garage." On the TV show, a team of people with mechanical, fabricating, or modifying expertise gathers together to modify a vehicle into a "monster machine." In our new webinar series, we're gathering people from the Arbortext community who have modified, streamlined, co-opted, and wrenched their applications to achieve outstanding, interactive, and impressive content and highly effective content creation-publication workflows.
Here at Single-Sourcing Solutions, we always talk about the ease of use and the out-of-the box advantages to Arbortext suite of products. We don't always talk about the sizable API that opens the entire application to developers. Yet, for many of us, this was one of the primary advantages that drew us to the Arbortext platform. This last year, we discovered that this ability to tweak every aspect of the product and the content that comes out as a result is no longer so obvious to people who are new to the eco-system.
With any dynamic publishing system, you get the benefits of reuse and topic-based authoring. The Arbortext API is one of the real differentiators. It's one of the true advantages you get by choosing Arbortext: Nearly every corner of the application is open to developers at no additional fee. An Arbortext customer's ROI improves as they grow because the platform is open to them and grows with you.
Thus, the Arbortext Monster Garage is born!
This new series is designed to teach Arbortext users how to leverage their investment in the Arbortext product line so as to continually grow their ROI. The series will showcase users from the community demonstrating techniques, tips and tricks that they have used in the past, discoveries they have made, and showcasing new features.
The series will run twice a month, on the second and fourth Fridays. Each session is scheduled to run in 30 minutes including set up and questions. The calendar has been published in advance, so that you can see what's coming and sign up for the sessions you're most interested in. Because the sessions are pre-scheduled, we figure it will be easy to attend because you can block out that 30 minutes on your calendar well in advance.
The series includes sessions for beginners as well as for expert users. It is divided into several tracks that are titled with the same sense of humor that inspired the series, such as "Content Paint Job", "Cafe con UI", "Living the XUI", "Experimenter's Lab", "Composition Drag Race". All sessions are intended to address those areas where the rubber meets the road. The series will draw "shop coach" presenters from the community, including staff from PTC, Single-Sourcing Solutions, customers, and other PTC partners.
Key Concepts:
news, techcomm tools, training and mentoring