No matter what kind of work you do as a TPC professional, chances are you working with information intended for a very specific user. This is the user who will read your content, interact with your product, or navigate your website should have a positive experience, and there are plenty of things you can do to ensure that reality. In this session, we will talk about user experience (UX) in general, how it applies to the world of TPC professionals across industries, and how you can take steps to build a positive experience for any and all of your potential users.
About the Visiting TC Dojo Expert
Dr. Jack T. Labriola is an Assistant Professor of Technical Communication at Kennesaw State University, where he teaches usability testing, information architecture, and the senior capstone design course. He has researched, written, and presented on a variety of topics ranging from a co-edited collection, Content Strategy in Technical Communication with Routledge, to articles on minimalist design aesthetics and mobile user experience, to conference papers on university partnerships and building up student research toolkits. Dr. Labriola’s professional mission is to continue to discover opportunities to research and create better experiences for users in their day-to-day use of technology.
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Recorded: 02 August 2021
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