User experience includes every interaction people have with a company and its products...from opening the box to using the product. When using an app to interact with a product, the visual and written content must work together seamlessly to deliver a simple and delightful experience.
In this presentation, we'll learn how the partnership of technical communication and user interaction improves the user experience. We'll hear two perspectives: a technical writer and an interaction designer at Sonos, creators of the leading whole-home sound system. They'll share how they've successfully collaborated on app content to create a better user experience.
About the Visiting Dojo Experts
Deborah Sauer is a Principal Writer in the Content Strategy Group/User Experience at Sonos, Inc., creators of the leading whole-home sound system. She is responsible for copy in the Sonos app, online guides, and online Help. Her days are filled with collaborating with user experience designers and developers, refining user interface text, pushing authoring tools to their limits, tinkering in code, managing projects, and, most importantly, making sure the experience comes first.

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Recorded: 3 February 2020
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Learn more
Collaborative Writing in Distributed Teams
John Hedtke, Double Tall Consulting
Go From Clashing to Collaboration
Andrew Lawless
Key Concepts:
case study, collaboration, content strategy, usability and user experience
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