When is a little too little and when is too much too much? Answering this question can lead to confusion and frustration for writers. If you are feeling this way, you are not alone. But what can the arts teach us about authoring minimalist content? Join us as we examine the various modalities of minimalism and use their works as inspiration in our practices of Professional and Technical Writing. We’ll talk about techniques you can adopt that may help simplify the art of balancing between too little and too much.
What can you expect to learn? Art. Writing. Architecture. Poetry. Finding a way to connect with minimalism is the key to employing it for the benefit of your users.
Janice Summers, Single-Sourcing Solutions, specializes in helping people who’ve only ever used unstructured desktop publishing applications learn structured authoring. She’s been successfully transitioning Word users to XML authoring for the last 15 years and hasn’t lost anyone yet!
Presented at:
- ConVeX Conference (Virtual, 2021)
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Members of the TPC Affinity Groups can access the video, sample code, notes, collateral, and any other event material free on the members forums.
ConVEx attendees can watch the video via the conference site through September 2022.
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