Content Audits and Chat Bots and IoT, oh my! Tech comm has always been a field in which we plan for output channels that don’t even exist. But it seems like our authoring tools and technology are evolving faster than the technology we are writing about.
In this meeting, Jack Molisani's not going to talk about the latest tools and technology you need to learn to stay competitive. Instead, he’ll share what he sees is holding most content professionals back from quantum leaps in career development: soft skills like conflict resolution skills, workplace negotiation skills, and more.
Join us for this fun and interactive session that will help you increase your “promotabilty” and advance your content career! You don't want to miss this chance to talk directly with Jack!
About the Visiting Dojo Expert
Jack Molisani is the president of ProSpring Technical Staffing, an employment agency specializing in content professionals: https://ProspringStaffing.com
He's the author of Be The Captain of Your Career: A New Approach to Career Planning and Advancement, which hit #5 on Amazon's Career and Resume Best Seller list.
Jack also produces the LavaCon Conference on Content Strategy and Technical Communication Management, to be held in Portland this October https://lavacon.org
Watch the Video
Recorded: 7 October 2019
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Go From Clashing to Collaboration
Andrew Lawless
Secrets of a gumshoe librarian: Tips for transforming your career and staying relevant
Marcy Phelps, Marcy Phelps & Associates Inc.
Techniques for keeping up in your profession
Panel: Yvonne Wade-Sanchez, Andrew Davis, Max Hoffmann, Richard Mateosian, Liz Fraley
Productivity Hacks for Technical Communicators
Kit Brown-Hoekstra, Comgenesis
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