Arbortext provides tools developers, IT staff, and support personnel a lot of resources to simplify the Authoring interface for users. Want to turn off the ability to tweak page-breaks so you don’t need to spend hours debugging a stylesheet error that doesn’t exist? Our shop coaches give their best hints on how to remove the ‘troublesome’ features in Arbortext Editor to simplify your job and your author’s job as well!
In this 30 minute, recorded web session, Paul Nagai shows how you can:
- Create XUI dialogs to allow editing metadata stored as attributes/elements.
- Take advantage of “calculated attribute values” to aggregate metadata putting complex “calculations” into ACL and simplifying the stylesheet.
- Combine these two techniques to produce multiple Tables of Contents or, more accurately, “Lists of Impact.”
About this session:
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Presenter: Paul Nagai
Watch the Video
Recorded: August 2010
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Key concepts
arbortext command language (acl) (aom), arbortext editor, ui customizationFiled under
Arbortext Monster Garage, Season 2, Webinars
About the Arbortext Monster Garage
A collection of videos and books, the Arbortext Monster Garage is designed to teach Arbortext users how to leverage their investment in the Arbortext product line so as to continually grow their ROI.