When Management decides to go to an XML publishing system, it’s not always clear to the authoring and editing staff why the decision was made.
Ever wonder why they choose to go this route?
In this presentation, we talk about some of the reasons why you might go away from desktop publishing systems to something more dynamic, so that you not only understand it better but can get excited about the change.
About the Presenter
Liz Fraley, founder of Single-Sourcing Solutions, has worked in both high-tech and government sectors, developing and delivering technical design and strategy of authoring and publishing solutions as a Single-Source/XML Architect/Programmer. Specializing in practical development and deployment, she advocates designing architectures that directly improve organizational efficiency, productivity, and interoperability. She’s the founder of TC Camp, the unconference for content creators, consumers, and the people who support them. If you ask her, she’ll say she’s a gardener who’s happiest when those around her are flourishing.
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Recorded: August 2013
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Filed under:
CIDM, Lavacon, PTC Arbortext User, Presentations, STC, TC Dojo, Webinars
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