They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In today’s high tech companies, they understand the value of providing detailed accurate information on demand.
You can enrich the content of your information by delivering technical illustrations and intelligent graphics to optimize product information in the forms of assembly instructions, parts catalogs, operator and service manuals, training documents, and more.
This interactive web session shows how you can automate the process of creating and updating high-quality technical illustrations and animations with Arbortext IsoDraw, a single software tool for all of your 2D and 3D illustration needs.
During this session we show you how you can:
- Repurpose rich, original CAD data to quickly develop 2D and 3D illustrations and animations
- Automate the updating of illustrations and animations when engineering designs change throughout a product’s lifecycle.
- Prepare illustrations automatically for publishing in multiple delivery formats, including print, interactive and Web media to eliminate expensive, labor-intensive formatting tasks
- Convey explicit service procedures by displacing lengthy text with illustrations
- Deliver a competitive advantage in your product information time-to-market by producing more illustrations in a shorter time
About the Presenter
Scott Allshouse is the Regional Director for Technical Illustration Products at PTC and represents the Arbortext IsoDraw Service Information Solutions. Since 1983 Scott has been involved in interactive technical publications analysis for end users with a focus on graphics data exchange and best practices. His primary interests are how the end-user interprets graphical information to perform tasks and how this information compliments documentation. He has participated in the Tri-Services IETM Working Group S1000D Standards working groups. Scott retired from the US Navy in 2000 and joined ITEDO Software, now PTC to represent Arbortext IsoDraw. He is based in Redding, California.
Watch the Video
Recorded: November 2010
Key concepts
illustrations and graphicsFiled under
Arbortext Monster Garage, Season 1, Webinars
About the Arbortext Monster Garage
A collection of videos and books, the Arbortext Monster Garage is designed to teach Arbortext users how to leverage their investment in the Arbortext product line so as to continually grow their ROI.