If you are like most companies, you want to stand out in the crowd. You want your company image to make an impact and be remembered. You want your customers to be able to find the information they need, when they want it. What you need to do is take your content to the Monster Garage and transform that old dusty PDF into tricked out digital media complete with interactive capabilities.
Join us for this 1 hour web session where Jean Kaplansky of PTC takes you for an “under the hood” peak at Arbortext Digital Media Publisher. She shows how to wrench the nuts-and-bolts of your product information and create output your consumers will savor and your competitors will envy.
So put on your shop coat ‘cause we are going to:
- Go under the hood – for a tour of Digital Media Publisher and Digital Media Consumer
- Give it a new paint job - Making the DMC look and feel all yours with a Custom Frameset
- Soup up your Searches - Configuring and Customizing end user Search functionality for the ultimate searching experience
- Trick out your Dashboard - Giving users a way to interact with Digital Media Publisher content via basic web UI controls
About our Speaker
Jean Kaplansky first started in the Arbortext world of XML way back in 1995. In her current role with PTC, she is responsible for providing solution architecture consulting and application development for PTC Arbortext-based document authoring/editing/publishing solutions. She teaches customers how to really trick out their content design and delivery. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan (Go Wolverines), and a CompTIA CDIA certification. She lives and works amongst a menagerie of cats, dogs, and musicians in the New York Adirondack Region. Jean has a great sense of humor and it is easy to see that she is not only very knowledgeable in the field, but that she has a passion for what she does. She is the type of person who likes to tinker under the hood and push the barriers. She lives out on the bleeding edge of the XML world.
Watch the Video
Recorded: October 2010
Where to find the supporting material
Members of the Single-Sourcing Solutions TPC Affinity Groups have access to the recording, slides, show notes, sample code, and transcripts in the members forums.
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Arbortext Monster Garage, Season 1, Webinars
About the Arbortext Monster Garage
A collection of videos and books, the Arbortext Monster Garage is designed to teach Arbortext users how to leverage their investment in the Arbortext product line so as to continually grow their ROI.