Liz talks about what inspired her to start TC Camp, the techcomm unconference. How she found people to help as TC Camp got off the ground. Learn what TC Camp offers writers and what everyone can bring to TC Camp. (It’s not what your TC Camp can do for you, it’s what you can do for your TC Camp). Ask questions about the next TC Camp and how you can volunteer or contribute!
What is TC Camp, you ask? TC Camp is an unconference focused on Technical Communications issues, skills, challenges, and the various applications used by technical communicators. The purpose of TC Camp is to provide a local conference for technical communicators that is driven by the members of that community–writers, editors, designers, and the people who support them.
Liz Fraley, Single-Sourcing Solutions
Liz’s team says that she builds clubhouses. She is perpetually trying to find new ways to share information and strengthen the ecosystem of professionals around her. She’s been a volunteer/officer for the Association for Computing Machinery at one chapter or another since 1998. She’s volunteered for Society of Women Engineers at various events over the years. She started the Arbortext PTC/User group and continue to donate resources and logistics to help it flourish. She started TC Camp. Her dedication to growing the community is so strong that it’s carried over into the way Single-Sourcing Solutions does business. Each one of her team members is active in one or more on-line user communities and it is expected that each one devote a portion of their on-the-job time to helping people find answers to problems. She’ll tell you, “I’m a gardener: I’m happiest when those around me are flourishing.”
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community, jobs and careers, soft-skills
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