In this 30-minute, recorded web session, Lynn Hales shows some of the basics behind how Arbortext—and most XML authoring tools—work, then he’s going to tool around the Editor to give us all the basics we’re going to need to wrench on our environment here in the Monster garage. In this introduction to the Monster Garage, these are the basics you need so that you too can start thinking about the many things you can do with Arbortext.
About this session
- Audience: Beginner
- Presenter: Lynn Hales
Watch the Video
Recorded: Jan 2010
Last Friday we held the first session of the Arbortext Monster Garage. Lynn Hales, long time Arbortext community member, user, ACL developer, FOSI expert, and trainer, did a fantastic job explaining the basics of how XML editors work generally, and how Arbortext works in particular. He did a little tour of the product UI and answered some questions the audience posed. It was a great foundation for the series.
Here’s what one of the attendees had to say:
- @TsarSPb Friday 14 Jan 2011, 10:55 AM PT”@SingleSourcing Great start with the series! Thanks to Lynn for this intro webinar. Looking forward to the following sessions.”
Lynn will return as a Shop Coach again, later in the series: He’s scheduled for one or two more sessions coming up.
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Arbortext Monster Garage, Season 2, Webinars
About the Arbortext Monster Garage
A collection of videos and books, the Arbortext Monster Garage is designed to teach Arbortext users how to leverage their investment in the Arbortext product line so as to continually grow their ROI.