In this TC Dojo...
Concerned about remaining relevant as a technical communicator? Does climbing the career ladder seem irrelevant in the age of flat organizations and job hopping?
This session introduces you to an alternative approach for managing careers: career frameworks. This approach provides a framework for remaining relevant and employable in the long-term. Real-world examples presented in the session help you apply career frameworks into your own planning.
About the Visiting Dojo Expert
Saul Carliner has a double-double career: academic and professional experience in both technical communication and workplace learning. He is currently a professor at Concordia University in Montreal, specializing in the design of materials for communication and learning, the management of groups that produce these materials, and related issues of professionalism. He is the author of the upcoming Communicating Instructional and Informational Content and Communicating Instructional and Informational Content with Style, the classic text, Techniques for Technical Communicators, and, most relevant to this presentation, Career Anxiety: Guidance for Tough Times. He is the President of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, a Fellow and past international president of the Society for Technical Communication, past editor of the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, and recipient of the Jay Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching, Kenneth Rainey Award for Excellence in Research, and several Best of Show Awards in STC awards competitions.
Watch the Video
Recorded: 6 December 2021
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They will be posted here after the session!
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