To DITA or Not To DITA? That is the question. DITA isn't the right answer for every situation. DocBook may be older, but there are reasons to use it. In this session we'll discuss the differences between the two doctypes to give you a foundation to decide between them.
Janice Summers, Single-Sourcing Solutions, specializes in helping people who’ve only ever used unstructured desktop publishing applications learn structured authoring. She’s been successfully transitioning Word users to XML authoring for the last 15 years and hasn’t lost anyone yet! She's the author of “Arbortext for Authoring: An Author's Guide to Getting Started with Arbortext Editor” (available on Amazon).
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Recorded: January 2014
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There are still reasons for–and people who prefer–DocBook, like Andrew Owen. He explains his reasoning in his article “Revisiting DocBook” (https://andrewowen.net/blog/revisitng-docbook/)
I will note, however, that his information on XSL and XPath is brief, at best. If you’re looking for more information on XSLT and XPath, we’ve been teaching and presenting on it since at least 2009 (https://www.single-sourcing.com/events/xslt-xpath-basics/) and were part of Ken Holman’s overflow consultant list as early as 2004.