Have you ever bookmarked a site only to go back later and be unable to find that site in your bookmarks? Have you ever bookmarked a site twice? Only to wonder why you tagged it the way you did? Have you wondered how you will find the right content to reuse given hundreds of thousands of content library source files? Have you wondered about effective metadata tagging across your team?
Learn how to think like a Reference Librarian! A librarian can put any book on the shelf such that any expert can locate it.
In this series, you will learn how library science can work for you! Liz Fraley discusses the foundation of library science and how it can help searchers working with an ever-growing library of content. Learn key strategies that will put you in the best position to execute effectively so you and your team can meet the increasing demands of creating, managing, and distributing content. She will show you how to think like a reference librarian and apply it to your situation.
- Content Management Strategies/DITA North America 2014
- STC Summit 2015
- TC Dojo - as a 3 part series
Feedback from attendees at CMS DITA/NA 2104:
- This session was valuable? 92% Strongly Agree/Agree; 8% No Opinion
- The speaker was effective? 92% Strongly Agree/Agree; 8% No Opinion
- The speaker knew the material well? 92% Strongly Agree; 8% No Opinion
- The speaker answered questions clearly and effectively? 92% Strongly Agree/Agree; 8% No Opinion
- "Best presentation of conference." - anonymous
- "Great theoretical, conceptual overview. Great specific examples. Time is limited, but perhaps an implementation overview might be more practical." - anonymous
- "Great concepts. Would like a bit more insight into practical application" - attendee from Sony
- "One of the most useful sessions at the conference. Great speaker & relative ppt content." - attendee from Qualcomm
- "Fantastic presentation skills! For improved context, I would have loved more real-world Tech Pubs/Info Dev examples, but that’s a minor complaint. This was a great session." - anonymous
- "Timely and informative – gave me some good ideas on how to tackle this in my little universe." - anonymous
- "Nice dynamic style." - anonymous
Liz Fraley, Single-Sourcing Solutions, is a serial entrepreneur. She’s founded two companies, sits on the boards of three non-profits, and is constantly coming up with new ways to share knowledge in the technical communications and content industries. She has worked in high-tech and government sectors, at companies of all different sizes (from startups to huge enterprises). She advocates approaches that directly improve organizational efficiency, productivity, and interoperability. If you ask her, she’ll say she’s happiest when those around her are successful.
Note from the Presenter
Even in three parts, this presentation is the short version of a workshop we give for customers who want to improve their search capability. There are two sides to search:
- The external user of the content you produce
- Your content authors who need to search through your content for reusable content units
We work with customers to produce the correct metadata. Taxonomies make us comfortable, but they're best for filtering and bucketing, browsing techniques. They're Categories, not tags. The chapters, not the index. For a good search experience, for productive search results, you need both.
Library cataloging techniques can help you develop the right medatdata categories and taxonomies so that both your customers and your content authors can find what they're looking for.
When you're ready for someone who can help you find your content...
Watch the videos and view the slides
This presentation was a short version of a longer talk. See the videos of the longer talk, broken into three parts:
- Part One - Introduction
- Part Two - Access Points
- Part Three - Best Practices
Part One: Introduction
Watch the Video
View the Slides
Part Two: Access Points
Watch the Video
View the Slides
Part Three: Best Practices
Watch the Video
View the Slides
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Need someone to help you find your content?
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Key Concepts:
library science, metadata madness, taxonomy and classification
Filed under:
CIDM, Presentations, STC, TC Dojo, Webinars
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