Join APP Man, his evil FOe, and the FOSI Bear for a lively session on the various Arbortext formatting technologies. You'll learn how the capabilities of Advanced Print Publisher compare with those of the FOSI and XSL/FO engines. And don't forget to bring your toughest document formatting questions to the experts!
This session features a panel consisting of experts in each of the three major technologies supported by the Arbortext family of documentation formatting systems:
- Advanced Print Publisher (APP, formerly known as 3B2)
- Arbortext Styler
- Formatting Output Specification Instance (FOSI)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
After a brief overview of the capabilities and pros/cons of each formatting technology by the respective experts, the panel answers audience questions on formatter capabilities and techniques, as well as difficult formatting problems and how the various technologies might address them.
- Gareth Oakes, GPSL (APP)
- Suzanne Napoleon, FOSI Expert, (FOSI)
- Zarella Rendon, PTC (Styler)
- Clay Helberg, TerraXML (FO)
- Liz Fraley, Single-Sourcing Solutions (FO)
- Moderated by Eric Flynn, Single-Sourcing Solutions
Presented at: PTC/User World Event 2010
Read the post-conference reports
Key concepts
arbortext layout developer (ald) (3b2), arbortext styler, fosi, xpath xslt xsl-fo
Filed under
PTC Arbortext User, Presentations
About the Arbortext User Group
Single-Sourcing Solutions coordinates logistics and donates both financial and administrative support to help Arbortext Users connect through meetings and social media channels. The Arbortext User Group has a blog and a youtube channel.