Super structures can increase performance and boost your productivity. They take advantage of economies of scale in your routine communication without causing you to succumb to numbing uniformity. Say what?!
Super structures are logic flows that help you evaluate and create communications better and faster. Carry these structures with you anywhere. Pull one out and use it to be sure your next visual design, report, email, or whatever you're writing is super.
In this session, I’ll show you how to add power to your communication and your career trajectory with Super Structures. I’ll also show what you can do to help your teams do the same!
About the Visiting Dojo Expert
Pam Estes Brewer, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Mercer University,
Candidate for STC Vice President
Pam Estes Brewer is a technical communicator, educator, and management consultant. She teaches in Mercer University’s School of Engineering and directs the online MS in Technical Communication Management. She works with remote teams, and her book entitled International Virtual Teams: Engineering Global Success was published in 2015 by Wiley. She also directs the Mercer User Experience Lab and its work with such organizations as the Department of Homeland Security. She serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication and as a board member for the Wesley Foundation of Macon. Email: brewer_pe@mercer.edu
Pam is running for STC Vice President!
Watch the Video
Recorded: 2 April 2017
View the Slides
Here are links to resources Pam mentioned during the presentation.
- The Non-Designer's Design Book - Robin Williams
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Key Concepts:
best practices, productivity, research, soft-skills, workflow and process
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