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Podcast Posted: Interview with Kevin Dietz, Timpani Software

This week's podcast features Kevin Dietz from Timpani Software. Timpani Software develops BuildBeat, a comprehensive automated software build management system, and MergeMagician, an automated merging server designed to work with your existing software configuration management (SCM) system. He uses DocBook…

Podcast posted: Interview with Chris Western, tformat

This week I interviewed Chris Western from tformat, a PTC partner focused on training and services for the Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (APP) (formerly known as 3B2). Chris was hired at Advent, the original developers of 3B2 as a writer…

Podcast posted: Interview with Chris Makler, Aplia

This week's podcast features Chris Makler from Aplia. Aplia is part of Cengage Learning. Chris works on a team that has built an interesting application on top of Arbortext Editor. They're using a lot of different technology to create an…

Podcast posted: Interview with Todd Hicks, Wolters Kluwer

This week I interviewed Todd Hicks from Wolters Kluwer.  I've been looking forward to this podcast for a long time. Todd Hicks has been an Arbortext community member for a long time. Todd has presented at Arbortext User Group and…

Podcast Posted: Interview with Robin Sloan, PTC

DITA may have begun with IBM, but it is now controlled by Oasis. PTC/Arbortext was the only vendor invited to be a charter member of the Oasis DITA Technical Committee. IBM was using Arbortext when they developed DITA, in fact. PTC…

Podcast Posted: Interview with Keith McGinnis, Review Publishing

This week's podcast is an interview with Keith McGinnis. About a year ago, I did some stylesheet work for Keith McGinnis at Review Publishing. Review Publishing produces a weekly free newspaper and online news media portal. They were on their…

Podcast Posted: Interview with Berry Braster, TedoPress

This week's podcast is an interview with Berry Braster from Tedopres. If you've been a part of the Arbortext community for any length of time, you've seen Berry and you know about The Book. When I say “The Book” and…

Podcast Posted: Interview with Gareth Oakes, GPSL

Early in 2005, Arbortext acquired Advent, the makers of 3B2 publishing software. That year at the annual AUGI conference, the greater Arbortext community got their first look at the capabilities that 3B2 brought to the publishing table. For the most…