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Arbortext Styler 7.0 includes Stylesheet IDE

APP became available to anyone who wanted to do high-quality print output about midway through the 5.4 release stream. Since 6.0 we've been encouraging people creating new stylesheets to use APP as their main rendering engine over FOSI. It's new…

New Forums available to TPC Affinity Group Members

When we checked in with our TPC Affinity Group members, they asked us for a place where they could collaborate with each other outside the regular meetings. Until this point, we had a wiki where everyone could collaborate, but it…

Which do you want to be? A technician or a craftsman?

We usually talk about Style in terms of content structure and layout, but this time I wanted to talk with you about our style. Specifically, our style of service. I was recently on a mentoring team call with one of…

What happens when you skimp on documentation?

In the TC Dojo last week we found out: Your company is at risk of debilitating lawsuits that, in the worst case, can put you out of business. Joe Devney, forensic linguist, editor, non-fiction writer, and previous STC chapter chair shared…

The Adepters email list is ending – here’s where to go…

In 1995 Arbortext started the adepters mailing list for users and staff to communicate. It was primarily a place where staff handled issues and questions about the Arbortext Adept editor. The mailing list was called adepters: a combination of the…

Conference notes from: DITA Best Practices BOF lunch at CMS DITA NA 2015

Tracy Baker and I had a full table and intense discussion on the topics on the minds of the people in attendance. Real time issues and ideas for possible solutions. Topics ranged from reuse strategies to getting started to review processes to getting…

How to Document your Stylesheets

by Karie You're working on a big project or a book using DITA, but your boss asks you to change the style of the font at the last minute. This was something you had set months prior and you don't…

Review: Adobe TCS5 and FrameMaker 12

This summer I had a chance to sit down with FrameMaker 12, released at the end of last year. I'd been anxious to get some real time with the product after seeing Maxwell Hoffmann do the first public demo of…