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Growing Arbortext craftsmen

Update (2012) PTC and PTC/User have made many changes in structure and ownership of the annual conference. The Arbortext User Group we started remains. All the videos they could recover from their meetings have now been posted to a YouTube…

Podcast of Content Management Strategies Presentation

Thursday, 18 September 2008, I was at the Intermountain Chapter of the STC. I spoke about “Repurposing Content for Multichannel Publishing”, the presentation I gave at the Content Management Strategies conference earlier this year. Tom Johnson, one of the members,…

Go single vendor or go toolbox? (build vs buy)

Summary: Do you build or buy? What's the true cost of integrating different product from different vendors? What are the ramifications for integration and process flow? And how do you make that determination?   Recently I've had the opportunity to…

Resources for Single-Sourcing Projects

Update: 2016 Since this list was put together, we've published several books about Arbortext that are available on Amazon in print and ePub. The books cover everything about configuring, authoring, styling, publishing, and managing content in Arbortext. Arbortext 101 (Configuration)…

Starting an Arbortext User Group

We're doing our best to restart the Arbortext User group. We are preparing to launch this organization in coordination with the national PTC/User organization. When Arbortext was acquired by PTC, a lot of things changed for existing Arbortext customers. We were…

Keep the Control in Your Hands

Although I'm writing about S1000D, the same philosophy applies for transferring DITA, Docbook, and XSL/XSL-FO knowledge to your staff. Our goal is to provide expertise to help customers grow to proficiency. We find that companies rarely need an expert on-staff….

Helping Arbortext Customers Get Started

Regardless of your choice of doctype, we know that writers and publishers need the right tools to be successful. We help people learn to take charge of their xml publishing projects. After the acquisition of Arbortext by PTC, we saw…

The Single-Sourcing Triangle

Single sourcing is a simple idea that requires a very complex implementation. Single sourcing is a methodology, not a technology. XML is a technology, not a methodology. Bringing the two together is not obvious or well-defined. Traditionally, the literature is…