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Podcast Posted: Interview with Kevin Dietz, Timpani Software
This week's podcast features Kevin Dietz from Timpani Software. Timpani Software develops BuildBeat, a comprehensive automated software build management system, and MergeMagician, an automated merging server designed to work with your existing software configuration management (SCM) system. He uses DocBook…
- Key Concepts: arbortext editor, community, docbook
- Filed under: Arbortext Podcast, Blog
- Venues: Single-Sourcing Exclusive
How to Create a Button in Arbortext Digital Media Publisher
Here's a snippet from the PTC Express newsletter. You never know how well something will get saved and archived, so we've reproduced it here. Generally, we post code to the Adepters Code Archive. However, this article went out from the…
- Key Concepts: arbortext publishing engine, html web output, ui customization
- Filed under: Blog
- Venues: Single-Sourcing Exclusive
Documentation, Medical Devices, and the FDA
This month the implementation date for MDD directive (2007/47/EC) comes due. There are a number of issues that require action by manufacturers (changes to the Essential Requirements, clearer requirements for clinical evaluation, changes to the QA of third parties) and…
- Key Concepts: globalization, make your business case, regulated industries
- Filed under: Blog
- Venues:
Dynamic product information delivery systems reduce translation costs
Recently, I was privileged to talk with a customer that implemented Arbortext in 1999: Greg Johnson at Medtronic. Greg heads up what his executives have told him is “the most successful project Medtronic had ever done.” In this interview, Greg…
- Key Concepts: arbortext editor, community, docbook
- Filed under: Arbortext Podcast, Blog
- Venues: Single-Sourcing Exclusive
Podcast posted: Interview with Chris Western, tformat
This week I interviewed Chris Western from tformat, a PTC partner focused on training and services for the Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (APP) (formerly known as 3B2). Chris was hired at Advent, the original developers of 3B2 as a writer…
- Key Concepts: arbortext layout developer (ald) (3b2), community
- Filed under: Arbortext Podcast, Blog
- Venues: Single-Sourcing Exclusive
Arbortext bootcamp coming up
In a tough market, you need to stay ahead the pack. The best way to do that is to make sure your skills are in demand. One of the highest demanded skills in the publications industry is Arbortext. No one…
- Key Concepts: arbortext editor, news, training and mentoring
- Filed under: Blog
- Venues: Single-Sourcing Exclusive
Green Your Product Information
Greening your product? What about your product information? We see it all the time and I’m sure you do as well. Companies are on the move with initiatives to “green” their operations and their products. It’s not just the big fortune…
- Key Concepts: make your business case, multichannel (omnichannel) publishing, single-sourcing
- Filed under: Blog
- Venues:
PTC Announces Discontinued Linux/Solaris Support
PTC will discontinue Arbortext Publishing Engine support on the Linux and Solaris operating systems with the release of Arbortext 6.0. As of the 6.0 release, PTC is planning to support the Windows platform only. Description Having reviewed customer product downloads…
- Key Concepts: news, release notes
- Filed under: Blog, Release Details
- Venues: