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Arbortext, XML, and Spacing

This week’s topic: Spaces, pretty printing, and XMLWe occasionally get comments or questions that fall along this line:Your XML is very difficult to read (no pretty indenting)Your file has spaces (white space characters)Your XML has line returns that is show…

How much does Arbortext cost?

by Dave There's a lot of confusion, bad information, old information about Arbortext floating around out there. There's an assumption that Arbortext is only for the Fortune 100 and that it's completely out of reach for small to medium businesses….

Is Arbortext DITA Pure DITA? YES!

Is Arbortext pure DITA?  Yes. Arbortext is pure DITA, pure XML. We are always surprised when we get this question because: Arbortext was the software IBM was using when they developed DITA. What does it mean to be “pure DITA”?DITA is…

Top 5 Arbortext Resources

Here's the list of the top 5 resources new Arbortext customers should know about. If you're an Arbortext User, you should know about these resources:Arbortext 101: Best Practices for Configuring, Authoring, Styling, and Publishing with Arbortext: This book gives you…

Java support in Arbortext as of January 1, 2019

In October of 2018, PTC announced that:Starting in January 2019, customers of these products will now need to obtain and install Java as a prerequisite for installing or re-installing their PTC products. As before, customers of these products will need…

Adepters – What is it and how do I find it?

Are you an Arbortext user? Have you heard the word Adepters and wonder what it means? Adepters is the name of the original Arbortext user mailing list which was launched in 1996. At that time there the web was still new, so…

How to find the best content management system (or any other tool)

b Post Summary In this article, I hope I can convince you to gather requirements before you buy. It's the only way to guarantee that you find the best content management system for you. Not for someone else. FOR YOU….

How to Document your Stylesheets

by Karie You're working on a big project or a book using DITA, but your boss asks you to change the style of the font at the last minute. This was something you had set months prior and you don't…