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Thanks to all those who joined Guru D and the Cult of DITA at Lavacon

At Lavacon last month I gave two presentations: one traditional and one…Not. We all know that I like to experiment right? TC Camp, TC Dojo, TPC Affinity Groups are my most successful and well known. This time, I decided I…

Liz Fraley on Single Sourcing on the 10-Minute Tech Comm Podcast

Summary: Liz Fraley of single-sourcing.com talks about how companies can successfully make the shift to single sourcing on the 10 Minute Tech Comm podcast When you're first approaching single sourcing project and designing your information architecture, it can be daunting…

We all solve the same problems

We've all been in that position where we are trying to work something out and wish we had someone to bounce ideas off of. Someone who knew us, what we were going through, who had expertise that was the same…

DITA 1.3 available with Arbortext 7.0 release

Arbortext 7.0 includes support for DITA 1.3—no plugins or additional modules required. With the release of Arbortext 7.0, all DITA 1.x documents are supported by the Arbortext suite of products. Arbortext has had support for DITA since 2004, when it was…

Arbortext Styler 7.0 includes Stylesheet IDE

APP became available to anyone who wanted to do high-quality print output about midway through the 5.4 release stream. Since 6.0 we've been encouraging people creating new stylesheets to use APP as their main rendering engine over FOSI. It's new…

Released: Arbortext Version 7.0

Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have…

New Forums available to TPC Affinity Group Members

When we checked in with our TPC Affinity Group members, they asked us for a place where they could collaborate with each other outside the regular meetings. Until this point, we had a wiki where everyone could collaborate, but it…

Which do you want to be? A technician or a craftsman?

We usually talk about Style in terms of content structure and layout, but this time I wanted to talk with you about our style. Specifically, our style of service. I was recently on a mentoring team call with one of…