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Podcast Posted: Interview with Bob Thomas, Tagsmiths

This month's interview on the PubWright podcast is Bob Thomas, from Tagsmiths. Bob started in SGML/XML in the mid-to-early 90s at Lucent. He transformed from a technical writer to data modeler, DTD writer, legacy data conversion specialist, and stylesheet developer….

DITA is Hard

There's a trope that says, if you want to do good content delivery, you have to advocate for methodology, not tools. (This is often said in despair by someone dealing with a team of writers determined to find a way…

Common Questions: File Format Support

This week's topic: File Formats Questions about file formats range from what any particular product supports (editing, illustration, publishing, cms) to what formats can be converted by the Arbortext tools. Today, we're talking about both of these and where each…

Common Questions About Arbortext

Arbortext is not simply an XML editor, illustration tool, or component content management system. It's a big-picture solution that includes all the pieces required for creation, management, and publishing of enterprise content. In fact, Arbortext is the only out-of-the-box, end-to-end…

How to find the PTC Product Calendar

Last updated: September 2017Please Note: The PTC website changes frequently and the specifics of this article may not be completely representative at any given time. That said, the Product Calendar is always on the Support Site and available to customers….

Released: Arbortext 5.3 M200

Here’s a short summary of SPRs and enhancements added to the product release. Many SPRs and enhancements are part of the release. We highly recommend you log in to the support site and read the release notes. If you have…

Podcast posted: Interview with Todd Nowlan, “Benefits of XML and single-sourcing”

When we were getting ready for the CMS DITA/NA 2010, we reached out to long-time Arbortext customers to find out where they were now, what they did originally, and how they got from point A to point B. Just what…

Want to keep track of the latest release?

Over the years, we've had questions from customers asking about the latest release. What's in it? Should they upgrade? Was my bug fixed? Is the enhancement I requested in there? It can be hard to convince yourself to read the…