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Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?

Technical writers are paying more attention to UI/UX because documentation is part of the user experience. Technical writers, who explain user interface elements and design how-to documents for user tasks and procedures, know when a design choice will have repercussions. We…

Subscription licenses are here to stay

Updated: May 2017 The software companies of world has decided the answer to that question is yes. I first heard about subscription licenses from Adobe back in 2013. Then Microsoft followed. For good or bad, whether we like it or not, it's here…

12 tips from UX designers that Techcomm folks should know too

Next to API docs, UI/UX is one of the fastest growing sub-domains in technical writing. Not surprising, because documentation contributes to the user experience and explain how to use a product's user interface.In May, I spotted an article by Robert Hoekman,…

Released: Arbortext 102 Best Practices for Creating Arbortext Styler Stylesheets

Announcing the release of Arbortext 102: Best Practices for Creating Arbortext Styler Stylesheets. The second book in the Arbortext Monster Garage series, Arbortext 102 is the second book about Arbortext and the first book about creating and publishing with Styler. Written…

Tell a good story (It’s the shape of the curve that matters)

Seems like everyone is talking about story telling. Last April, it was the theme at the STC Spectrum conference.  At STC Summit in 2015, Nancy Duarte gave the keynote based on research she did for her book, “Resonate: Present Visual Stories…

XPath and XSLT for Everyone

Anyone working with XML content can benefit from learning XPath. XPath is the way that elements are identified and located inside an XML Document. Want to find the first title in your document? Or the fifth? Or the 2nd one…

Having folks you can count on makes all the difference

In April, I was asked to present at Leadership Day at the STC Rochester Spectrum 2016. Every year, the conference chairs choose a theme and ask presenters to speak to the theme. Leadership day is a conference addition that happens…

Inclusive vs Exclusive Language and Corporate Culture

It seems that as of 6/5/2019, the GSA has pulled the article down. Good thing we captured what we did! The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA.gov) website recently published an article (and the code to go with it) about how they…