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Review: A Fresh Look at Adobe FrameMaker (Version 11)

I started supporting XML-oriented technical publications teams in the late 1990s. I've used nearly all the XML authoring tools out there, and I use several different ones on a regular basis every day for different purposes. Over the last month…

How do authors find content for reuse?

Your customers can find content, but can your content creation team? DITA content explodes. How do you manage it? A lot of customers have been asking us recently about how they're going to manage content that explodes into lots and…

Everyone is talking content strategy, but what is it?

Content strategy differs from corporate communications strategy. Content strategy is far more than your web content or social media content or any of those things that come strictly out of the corporate marketing group. It is far more than “corporate…

Where to get Arbortext help?

There are more and more community places where you can find help showing up all the time. Every day, it seems as though yet another place pops up: LinkedIn discussions, Stack Overflow, Quora, every vendor has their own community. There's…

Good content strategy is like a well organized pantry

When you think about content management and content strategy, you start thinking about content components that can be assembled, disassembled, and reassembled into the many output formats and output channels your customers require. It stops being a question of simply…

Podcast Posted: Interview with Barry Schaeffer

This month's interview is with a legend in the industry: Barry Schaeffer. Anyone who's been in the SGML/XML industry for any length of time knows Barry Schaeffer. Barry is a frequent speaker and contributor on subjects related to information and…

What characteristics do you need in an XML publishing system?

I took a trip through the wayback machine and found an old article that had been published on Arbortext.com. Reading through it, I found a lot of key points that are still very relevant today. No single product is for…

Technology, People, and Successful Projects

I was reminded recently of Rebekka Anderson's presentation at DITA North America a couple of years ago. Her conclusions mirrored what we see every day: Technology is only 1/3 of the things that you need to consider when looking to…