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Greetings from the Arbortext Monster Garage whirlwind

If I'm quiet, I'm working. I know a lot of people have been eagerly waiting for Arbortext 103 and 201, but what's on my desk has priority. All year customer needs have been on the top of the pile. I've…

Top Authors and Books from My 2018 Reading Challenge

In 2017, I read nearly a book per day. While it was binge reading at its finest, it was too many. By the end of the year there were several books that I didn't even remember reading, even when I…

Industry Trends in Technical Communications 2018

As we close out the year, I've written up Industry Trends in Technical Communications we've seen in 2018. I don't believe we should seek out or follow trends. Observations about trends are useful to see what other people are doing and…

What should be in a Year-End Review?

The end of the year is a time for us all to look ourselves over critically in the mirror and review our performance: “In December, I want to look back at the year and answer two questions: 1. how did…

Top Books for Children and New Parents

My niece is having a baby and as I realized that I have a list of carefully curated books that I give to new parents. The last couple of years I've written about my reading lists, and I write a…

Top Authors and Books from My 2017 Reading Challenge

After all the books I read in 2016, I'd planned on reading more non-fiction in 2017. As it turned out, we had a busy year here at Single-Sourcing Solutions and escapist reading was the order of the day. 2017 was…

Arbortext: The First DITA Editing and Publishing System

The first mention of public DITA support for Arbortext dates back to a press release by Arbortext on April 20th, 2004. In less than a year (June 2005), DITA was first approved as an OASIS standard. But the earliest mention of…

Techcomm magnets, buttons, and bookmarks

What's your favorite giveaway? Mine is a backpack that I got at the very last Arbortext User Conference in 2005. This backpack had perfect balance and is great for bicyclists as well as pedestrians. Even though it's 13 years old,…