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PTC Technical Committee Meetings 2007

Update: 2017 The technical committees for all PTC products except Arbortext are still being run by PTC/User. Arbortext products meetings are by invite-only. Technical Committee Meeting Roundup: January 2007 I recently joined the Technical Committee for the PTC Arbortext product line….

How to Evaluate a Vendor

Unless you've done a full discovery process, generic vendor-provided survey/ROI reports are fairly meaningless. One of the ways that I've found to really learn about a product is to try to get enough funding to take one of the vendor's…

Tight-vs-Loose Integration

Updated: 2017 I started working with XML and single-sourcing systems in 1999. Although both SGML and XML had been around a long time, vendors were still figuring out a lot about how the overall process should work because every implementation…

Efficiency is in the Tools

I started off doing mostly XML and XSL development but have started working more in the advisory space—helping companies figure out what they want to do and what they can do. Believe it or not, I often find myself trying…