In 1995 Arbortext started the adepters mailing list for users and staff to communicate. It was primarily a place where staff handled issues and questions about the Arbortext Adept editor. The mailing list was called adepters: a combination of the product name "Adept" and "users."
When PTC acquired Arbortext, that mailing list and all of its archives, migrated to the PTC/User community. In the next few days, PTC/User will be shutting down the community forums and moving the Adepters archives to PTC Communities. The tribal knowledge that's been locked in an email list archive since 1995 will be in a publicly viewable, and SEARCHABLE, location for the first time. It will also be back in a central location where PTC can coordinate with their customers.
Be aware that you will no longer be able to get new questions in your inbox. You will have to go to the website. For everyone who's been a member of this long-running mailing list, make sure you join.
If you still want that user-group feeling, there are several more places you should know about. The Arbortext Users LinkedIn Group is nearly 1000 members strong! The members of the Facebook Group are low-volume but dedicated. There's a Meetup group, too, that is looking to gauge interest from volunteers in the community who want to get together face to face.
Links for all these resources are below. Be sure to migrate yourself to these sites. Adepters will be gone in a few days.
LinkedIn Group
Facebook Group
Arbortext User Group @ PTC Communties
Arbortext Group (where the archive went) @ PTC Communities